Monday, April 23, 2007

Cubs in 2008

I am a Mets fan. Nowadays that's not too shabby, but it wasn't so long ago (oh, like, 1987-last year) when that admission earned a tongue cluck and a shoulder pat from total strangers. But I can't even peek in the windows of the pity party that is being a Cubs fan. Seriously: in 2000 I had a "Bill Bradley for President"decal AND a "Let's Go Mets!" sticker plastered to the back of an '88 Civic with no muffler and mildewed seats and I didn't have the room to complain that Cubbie fans have. Catching a Friday night screening of Chasing October (visit drove that point home like a bat to the brain.

This movie--made by the dear friends of a dear friend--was fueled by credit card debt, watered down beer, and despair. And it was magical. Not only is it a funny, nail-biting doc of the infamous (thanks for fielding the ball, Bartman!!!) Cubs 2003 season, it is an example that--yes, sports fans--people you've actually met (kinda, sorta, once or twice) DO make movies. Good movies. Great movies about having your heart trounced once a year every year just because (a) they're your Cubs and (b) it feels so good when you stop. And as a person who lives and breathes movies, nothing tops that. The envy and excitement churning in my stomach while we watched this movie was nearly painful. Why couldn't I work up the gumption (who says "gumption???") to make a real, live movie? Maybe it takes genuine trauma, genuine pain. Maybe it takes being a Cubs fan.

My belly-aching (again, with the weird it 1940?) aside: visit the Chasing October website, catch a screening near you, and support these guys. The only thing sweeter than being part of a grass-roots movement to promote a cool project is laughing your ass off at some yahoos enjoying the hell out of themselves on the streets of Chicago. Well, the Mets winning the series this Fall just might be sweeter....and not entirely unlikely. Sorry Cubs fans: maybe next year.

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